At Yonder, we are dedicated to supporting our members, especially when it comes to scams. While we do our best to protect you, we understand that avoiding scams can be challenging. If you’ve been targeted by a scam - such as an email or text pretending to be from a delivery company that led to unauthorised transactions - we'll investigate this for you and let you know our outcome.
We frequently send out emails warning about phone scams and encouraging you not to share your information. In our messages, you’ll find reminders like: "STOP: Hang up now if you're on a phone call, you're speaking to a fraudster. A Yonder employee will NEVER ask you for this." or “STOP: Didn’t do this? Freeze your card and get in touch with us immediately through your Yonder App."
If you have any concerns or do not recgonise something on your account, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us right away through the Yonder App or by emailing [email protected]. We’re here to help you!